Saturday, July 08, 2006

Unfoldment of the Virtues

April 1, 2006

Unfoldment of the virtues comes in its own time. One of the earmarks of the sublime alchemy of transformation is the unfoldment of 'caritas', the loving impulse of the Divine within the heart. In 'caritas' we see the other, not as one to shun or abhor, nor as one to consume with devouring attention, nor as one to circumscribe our own existence and insert meaning into our lives, but as one who is singular, holy, and beloved of God. Exalted is the one who can touch another's heart with their own; who can feel the other's presence as co-equal to their own in the world. Impressions upon the heart are indelible and true. They always make their mark and hold one to the truth as to a warm fire. Behold the soul, the essence of 'caritas'! Hold it near and dear and cultivate it as you would a near and dear friend--a friend of the heart. Give way unto others in whatever respect they are in need. In need and in deed one must come to love them and to love their needs as well. Each need is a chance to overtake them with your love, to hold them in that safe space, to let them let go and let you minister unto them. The moment this happens there is holy interchange; a holy moment transpires. Feel the warmth of the heart's fire and step near it; draw others near it too that they may feel its abundant heat, its rare fiery love and devotion, that they may also learn of this way of approach and apply it also to their own.


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