Monday, August 07, 2006

Paradoxes Along the Vertical Axis

In wisdom work there are paradoxes everywhere -- and this is especially true in the higher dimensions along the vertical axis. The relationship between ascent and descent is one such paradox that leads us to an understanding of the interior "traffic" in the vertical dimension. The paradox is spoken by Saint Isaac the Syrian:

Dive down into your self,
and there you will find the steps
by which you might ascend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A wonderful quote, Lynn. And interesting. I heard a linguist speaking on NPR about a tribe of South Am. Indians who refer to the past as ahead and the future as behind. That's because as they stand on the horizon, they can see the "past" but cannot see the future. Ergo, the past is ahead and the future behind. I found this paradox on the horizontal very thought provoking. Pax.

4:01 AM  

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