Friday, September 05, 2008

The Tipping Point

It feels to me very much that as a society and perhaps as a world civilization we have reached a tipping point. We are rapidly hurtling toward a point of no return where everything hangs on the decision that is made. It is clear that we are doing this politically in our nation just now, and interestingly enough both candidates for president seem to realize it. Each is moving from the position of business-as-usual to offer a new vision and a different path. The question is, of course, can either one deliver, and are we headed for deadlock or breakthrough politically?

What appears to have changed in all of this is the realiztion that the behavior of the past has failed us and put our world in jeopardy. What is yet to be addressed is, can the belief systems that have determined that behavior change? Will there be real breakthrough onto a new path because something fundamentally has shifted within the spiritual perceptions of individuals and the nation as a whole, or will we collapse back into further forms of self-destructive chaos? Spirituality and change at the level of human consciousness is at the roots of the final outcome. An election may determine the politics of our future, but only an inner shift in human consciousness can change the ultimate outcome for humanity and the viability of our future. It is a tipping point.


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