Monday, January 05, 2009


This morning during meditation I contemplated the promise of the new year in the context of "the Great Age, the Aeon" from the Gospel of Mary Magdelene and of the increasing amount of light from the gradually lengthening days as we cycle towards spring. We have a new President who seems to be confounding many of his critics by choosing an administrative team with a centrist point of view and who at least expresses willingness to listen to all points of view. Ken Wilber and Don Beck describe gradually evolving levels of stages (and/or states) of consciousness or spiritual consciousness which give me hope that perhaps we are on the verge of a significant shift in the leading edge of predominant consciousness/spirituality for our nation and perhaps the world. We can hope and pray that the Great Age, the Aeon, the coming of Christ Consciousness, the Age of Aquarius is in fact dawning and that hope and substantive change in the way humanity interacts with itself and with our earth is on the horizon.


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