Friday, July 30, 2010

Downward Causation

It is quite clear now that many of the original meanings of Yeshua’s and early Christianity’s teachings have become lost or clouded over with later doctrines and interpretations. Today, however, we are in a period of rediscovery and recovery of much that has been lost. Despite the passage of time, many items out of that original treasury are coming to light. Not the least of which are the Dead Sea Scrolls in Israel and the Nag Hammadi Library in Egypt.

An original word that all agree was used both in first-century Judaism and early Christianity has to do with the critical term Messiah. Even this English transliteration is somewhat removed from the essential feature of the Hebrew word meaning the Anointed One. We know, of course, that this was the original meaning, but in a too literal understanding we often take this simply to refer to priestly, prophetic, or kingly anointing ceremonies that were practiced by the ancient peoples of Israel.

The meaning, however, is more interior and more complex than this. The act of anointing at the baptism of Yeshua was discovered to be a divine action, which caused the Spirit to descend in a great downward flow of Spirit suffusing and filling him. It was from that deep connection through the Spirit to heaven and the Source (the Father) that Yeshua moved across the landscape of Palestine in his work and ministry of healing and restoration. It is that same Spirit that he said would fall equally on his followers and become their constant companion (as paraclete) through the ages.

What is crucial for us to understand today is that such an anointing is primary to a vertical relationship that grounds us in Christian wisdom and spirituality. Without the uninterrupted flow of Spirit as the primary mover in the human soul, we remain lightless and lack the necessary energy and guidance, which is the core to all true spiritual action in this world. Downward causation and not isolated lateral movement across the human horizon is the key ingredient without which we remain cut off from our original springs and sources—which as Yeshua pointed out was a “sin” (a falling away) which could not be amended through simple “forgiveness.” It could only be rectified by a complete vertical restoration within us.


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