Sunday, August 15, 2010

Spirit and Sovereignty

If one were to identify the key features of the teachings and vision of Yeshua, it would have to include the following: the power of Spirit, the divine Sovereignty, and the arising out of these of a third force—unity or oneness.

There is in the universe and in the affairs of humankind a force, an energy, a loving power that drives and shapes the evolution of all life and consciousness in its unfolding across the cosmos. That energy is pure Spirit—a free energy available to all at no cost. It simply is. The shape and form, which pure Spirit is using to mold the universe, is a design that we must call the Sovereignty (or more familiar to us, the Kingdom). According to its principles, designs, and laws (Torah), which are by definition beautiful, good and true, something is being created through the energy of pure Spirit (like an oak growing from an acorn planted in earth through the force of water, wind and fire). But notice the Sovereignty (the design of the Kingdom) is not imposed from without, but is a design that unfolds already from within (the oak is already implicit within the acorn))—always potentially there right from the beginning. But the pattern-implicit-within is nothing less than the will and mind of the artist-Creator to make an art object so beautiful that one can only, in the end, stand back and gasp in awe.

Finally, when the ultimate form grows into its own perfection and sovereignty through the force of Spirit, then the divine Will will be expressed on earth as it is in heaven. In other words, there will be no separation. Heaven and earth will be joined into a unity and oneness—and the divine beauty (called in traditional terms “glory”) will dazzle and hearts and mind of all who eyes to see it.

And so we can truly pray: O Beloved One dwelling in transcendence, your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in the heavens.


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