Friday, February 11, 2011

Hope in Perspective

How easy it is to lose perspective--the wisdom perspective. It is in our DNA to move down into the details of life and temporal existence (and we should and we do go there)... but what wisdom wants from us is that at the same time we are living there, to "keep perspective" (to be awake to the larger, grander vision of things -- to the cosmic perspective).

How easy it is to lose it. Perhaps we lose it and find it every day, several times a day... I go back to sleep into our "granular worldview" and that is all we can or do see [for awhile, until I am reawakened by someone/something--the divine Spirit, perhaps].

When I'm down in my granularity-without-vision -- into the temporal details (which are still given to me to oversee)... the only perspective that remains, typically, is my own egoic view... "how everything effects me" ... I just simply, naturally return to that ordinary vision of things and respond from there. It is there, too, that I lose hope—for I cannot see past myself, and past the overwhelming conditions that sometimes overtake me.

It is so easy to go there, into that closed space. So we must fight for breath in the wider, cosmic-wisdom vision. Recover it, if we can. Sometimes do and sometimes I don't. Sometimes when we do it fades away quickly, and so we’re back into the smaller, narrower seeing. Perhaps were back into the darkness.

The only real control we have (and it comes and goes, as I said), is to seek to maintain this perspective, the wider vision. It is, of course, a struggle, especially when you get pulled down into the mundane details – "how is everything affecting ME." But then, there is hope, for we are raised by the Sacred Spirit into new seeing, into new hope over and over again.


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