Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Silver-edged Cloud with a Slice of Moon

A moon white scimitar of wonder sliced
through the ego fog and stopped me in my
tracks. The Beloved had been waiting
for a moment of opening, so of course
She caught me mid-stride, mouth open.

"How do you like my cloud-moon show today?!"

Such child like exuberance over a common
place delicacy, like a cloud, melted my
heart and I saw the cloud and its lace
tatted edges caressing the moon, as if
for the first time.

"I have seen the moon today, I have seen
the clouds in the sky, I have seen, really
seen the buds of the trees and the universes
that are their back-drop."

These gifts that are so present, so delicately
fringed. Where have they been?


These exquisite wonders are hidden in the mind
fog of our heavy paced world. And we are like
zipping midges, seeing a blur, because a silent
present moment is what is necessary for our
Gifted Moment.

The Beloved beguiled me today and my wanton
quiver of delight was satisfied by a cloud with
silver edges and a slice of moon.


Anonymous gail ostensen said...

gorgeous, thank you

9:01 AM  

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