Friday, October 12, 2012

Searching for Center

In searching for my center, I found myself in
many unlikely places. It should be hard to
find, unused and unexpectedly crafted.

Little did I know, but that when I found it
it would be the place from which I was looking.

Yes, the place from which I was looking is my
center and the setting is like some busy
intersection, confusing, smelly and full of
noise that makes it hard to concentrate.

I have found my center and there is no room
for intimacy, compassion or the energetic
flux of sacred magic.

I have found my center and there is work to
be done and practice to participate in and
rejoicing to be done.

I have found my center and perhaps one of
these bizarre and wonderful conversations
is the voice of the Master or the Creator
or some other transcendent utterance waiting
to be interpreted; digested.

I have found my center and my listening must
be Infinite.

Sam Roberts


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