Thursday, November 08, 2012

We Can't Go Back


We're all living in a very special time-a time when profound evolutionary development can be felt and seen more palpably and more tangibly than ever before. In fact, the rate of change today is moving so quickly, it is, more often than not, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually overwhelming. But we can't go back. In fact, there's nowhere to go back to. The simpler world that we may yearn to return to simply doesn't exist anymore. I think the real issue at hand is whether we are morally, intellectually, philosophically, and spiritually prepared not only to not resist the momentum that we're already being carried by, but more importantly, to actually take responsibility for it. I passionately believe that this is the great spiritual challenge at hand for all of us. Whether it's a task we'll be able to meet, I don't know. But I've devoted my life to awakening in as many people as possible a wholehearted desire to try.

—Andrew Cohen


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