Friday, December 14, 2012

Gratitude, not Judgement

There is knowledge within us all that lies beyond perception, it is this knowledge that we will tap into today. Today when we look upon our brothers and sisters, we drop our burdens by suspending our judgments of them. When we forget and return to judgment, let us allow this act to be a simple reminder of what we do not want. Instead of judging ourselves for judging others, let us instead offer gratitude that it is showing us the dead end road we need no longer take. Knowing that the past is gone and the future but imagined we return back into the present moment that is free from judgment. In the present moment we will let go and allow God/Spirit/Source to direct us by asking “How will you have me help my brothers today?” Today we have been placed in front of our brothers to serve as an example of the state of peace. Separation will be healed through union, and in doing so we will all return to a sacred place we have been before and will be again

James Blanchard Cisneros


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