Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Profound Discovery

The most profound discovery that I've made in my life is that it is possible to be free. The outrageous claims of history's greatest mystics and realizers about our potential to experience higher consciousness are absolutely true. And having no doubt about this alone can change everything! The Buddha's profound Enlightenment, the liberating love of God that Jesus passionately preached to the masses, the moral imperative in the universe to which Jews bear witness—all of these are available to us—if only we have the deep receptivity and yearning in our souls to know such hidden truths directly for ourselves. Once we do know, it's no longer possible to imagine life without the tranformative presence of this knowing that changes absolutely everything. Now we are not the same people we were. Now we are no longer living this life merely to have and to get and to become for ourselves. Now we know beyond any doubt that we're here for a higher reason and our lives must be a testament to that fact.

—Andrew Cohen


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