Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Egregore, the Archons, and Mind Parasites

For a number of years now we have been discussing the problem of good and evil in relationship to forces outside of immediate human control (or malign forces in the universe) using the word egregore. This term defines a semi-autonomous entity created by the negative projections of human beings which gains strength and then has power over an individual or a collective body in society. In the ancient world these may have been the “gods,” for example, who demanded human sacrifice. In more modern times, an example of an egregore might be the Inquisition which controlled the ecclesial powers in Spain, or later, Nazism which seemed to have control over 20th century Germany and possessed a life large than its own racial ideology. In our own day virulent forms of religious and ethnic bigotry, terrorism and hate for a particular people, religion, or race may be similar manifestations.

Recently, the well-known artist Alex Grey painted a picture presenting his own personal encounter with such an entity, which he has called a “mind parasite.” This term suggests that such an entity, could be feeding off of the energies of human beings and instigating their baser instincts. Mind parasites could exist in a dimension we are not ordinarily aware of.

During a group LSD experience in the 1970's, Grey vividly recalls seeing beings from above feasting on their energy. “The beings were actually orchestrating chaotic behavior from the group.”

The encounter led Grey to see humans as part of "an energetic food chain." Humans are not at the top of the food chain, such entities are. Interestingly the ancient Gnostics had a special word which they used to describe these creatures called the "Archons," who could also be thought of as mind parasites.

These ideas and terms help us, perhaps, to better understand Yeshua’s concern for human beings under the influence of entities which they have a hand in creating, feeding, and empowering that, then, wreak havoc on the world around us, vividly illustrated most recently in Lebanon.

For a link to Alex Grey’s website.


Blogger Gary O'Connor said...

Maybe this is why all ancient religions refer to chaos and posited gods whose job is was to keep chaos in check. It may also be the metaphysical equivalent of entropy....

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so true, Lynn, regardless of what we call s negative, destructive energy, or idea. Once such an energy or idea has gained momentum, it can indeed take on a life of itsown and accrete everything and everyone in sight. We must be vigilant and "see".

8:16 AM  

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