Thursday, May 31, 2007


Serenity is an indicator of inner peace, and thus of wisdom. We don’t want to live boring lives, and adventure definitely has a role in a life well-lived. But serenity is an indicator that someone has thought through their life and pursued it with discipline and goodwill. Serenity is an indicator that a lot of other things in someone’s life are working well. I’m reading a biography right now of Abraham Lincoln and perhaps the most thought-provoking characteristic of his life is the serenity with which he conducted his relationships, even when dealing with dishonesty. Abraham Lincoln had a particularly close bond with his stepmother, who is described as being a constant source of encouragement, support and love to him.

Serenity comes from acceptance, including acceptance of one’s own faults and the faults of others. It may be easier to accept life, including our faults, when we are also comfortable in the knowledge that despite those faults, we are valuable to ourselves and to others.

In celebration of the Great Dance of Life,

Rod MacIver


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