Monday, December 22, 2008


The winter woods are white now
Quiet and peaceful.
I left my cabin today
For a walk through the woods
And snow.
Big white flakes, filling deer
And coyote tracks.

A pileated woodpecker
Hammers an old pine tree
Sustenance. My dog looks at me
with eyes that wonder if he should investigate or ignore.
I stop to listen and watch.
He does too.
Then we walk on together,
Through the white, white
Falling snow.

The longest night of the year
Behind us now. A new year just ahead.
A fresh new year, just ahead.
What will it bring?
Change, change.
Change will come with this New Year.
Keep growing, keep moving.
Keep learning, keep stretching.
Keep walking these woods.
This next year—hard work, challenge
And then a return
To peace, deep peace
In these woods.

In celebration of the Great Dance of Life,

Rod MacIver


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