Sunday, October 23, 2011

Balances and Paradoxes

We who live in time stand between paradoxes. We are either balanced between them, or find ourselves off-balance because of them. Our quest in time is to achieve balance and insight (wisdom) within the paradoxical structures of the matrix of being. For the spiritual path three such structures present themselves as paramount:


The Integrated Self/The Individuated Self


We “walk between” these worlds, these domains—participating in each, learning to know what it means to achieve balance and understanding in the midst of them.

Transcendence is the wholly other nature of Ultimate Reality beyond thought and concept. Immanence is the absolute nearness of the Divine as interior Beloved. Together they represent the fullness of God (Divine Reality) to us.

The Integrated Self is the cosmic collective of the spiritual body of humanity (the great Transpersonal Mystery of our humanity) in which we participate and to which we belong. The Individuated Self which carries our unique “soul essence” belongs to both aspects of the whole because it is transforming away from the isolated “egoic-construct” that we normally think of as our “self.”

This Central Self (consisting of the two poles of our existence--the Collective and the Individual) belongs ultimately to the Absolute Divine Unity (or Oneness) which is the Unmanifest Source of All (containing all potential and yet Infinitely Transcending all manifestation) which pours itself out into Being, manifestation and diversity like a fractal pattern replicating through the web of being which is existence.

We (you) as conscious beings live between and among these paradoxes (these opposite poles). Our work is to achieve equilibrium and balance between them. We are called to be the “synthesizers of all realities,”—to span and mirror the entire cosmological structure in our own being. We try to preserve our mortal identity at the expense of our cosmic identity (the Supreme Identity) which is our true Self and ultimate manifestation.


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