In a world of opposites woven out of the double cloak of life and death, division and cooperation where we are forced to make choices or we are torn asunder. How do we choose?
In a world of fast rushing events and the all engulfing world of relativity and formal manifestation where we are forced to act or we are caught simply in the downward swirl to the lowest common denominator. How do we act?
In this world that wounds us by its very nature, we come to realize that to ignore it is fatal. We must act and choose, but also as wisdom seekers, we must transcend the pairs-of-opposites that make up the fabric of the world--not privileging one to the exclusion of the other. We learn, sometimes the hard way, that this is not done by failing to distinguish between them, but by choosing always the 'lesser of evils.'
We do not transcend good and evil by treating them as if they were the same thing, but by always choosing the good as we understand it and at whatever cost, until the Sovereign Good is finally won--that Eternal Good which lies beyond the opposites of this world, because by being Good, it has no opposites.
We are not there, but that day will come.
In a world of fast rushing events and the all engulfing world of relativity and formal manifestation where we are forced to act or we are caught simply in the downward swirl to the lowest common denominator. How do we act?
In this world that wounds us by its very nature, we come to realize that to ignore it is fatal. We must act and choose, but also as wisdom seekers, we must transcend the pairs-of-opposites that make up the fabric of the world--not privileging one to the exclusion of the other. We learn, sometimes the hard way, that this is not done by failing to distinguish between them, but by choosing always the 'lesser of evils.'
We do not transcend good and evil by treating them as if they were the same thing, but by always choosing the good as we understand it and at whatever cost, until the Sovereign Good is finally won--that Eternal Good which lies beyond the opposites of this world, because by being Good, it has no opposites.
We are not there, but that day will come.
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