Thursday, January 19, 2012

Spun from the Darkness

I see everywhere
            in this place of shadows and deep sorrow
How love is being created
            and then woven thread by thread
            into some invisible fabric
            stretching across space and time
            and beyond it.
I see how it stretches and strengthens
            between hearts and minds
            being spun out of the darkness itself
            and then dyed by grief into Light.
I see how it unites and binds in the fragmentations
            and changes those who spin or weave
            or are simply covered by the warmth of the cloth around them.
And I see it is a tough love
            and fierce.
And it must be against the dark cold or the fires of grief
            that grip the world.
Yet what comes is a covering for our nakedness
            when the fig leaves were stripped away
            in a garden long ago
            and we began our sojourn into “shadowland.”
This priceless mantel—this robe of Light
            will last beyond the darkness
            for Beauty has allowed us here
            a glimpse of the Eternal
            and the fabric of love fills with Light. 


Anonymous gail o said...

out of pain beauty arises

11:21 PM  
Blogger Gary O said...

Suffering can indeed be grace. Beautifully done.

5:11 AM  

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