Tuesday, October 16, 2012

An Inner Contract

Something profound happens at a soul level when someone makes a commitment to their own spiritual development. No one forces you to do it. It's freely chosen. And, of course, when you make that commitment, you don't really know what you are committing to. But what you do know is that it's a commitment to that which is absolute, to that which is nonrelative, to that which is inconceivable, to that which means everything, forever. That much you do know. And I've always felt that once someone freely chooses to make that commitment, once you say yes to the Absolute, to God, there is no going back, even if you want to reconsider later down the line. In other words, once that free choice is made from the depths of your own soul, something happens at a karmic level that is eternal—an inner contract is signed.

—Andrew Cohen


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