Sunday, November 18, 2012

Everyone is our teacher.

Every person you meet is a mirror of you, an external projection of your inner condition. They are offering you the opportunity to see your mind, the internal world you are silently supporting be reflected outward into the physical world. This process allows you to shine a light on your belief system and thus be able to more easily see, understand, and work on it if you so desire. For example, if you desire a peaceful life but somewhere anger is hiding, masquerading as a productive tool within your mind, your brother or sister will assist you by “doing something” to bring this emotion and response out of you and into your physical experience in order to help you recognize and acknowledge that anger is indeed something you are truly supporting. This physical experience then becomes the catalyst to find more peaceful internal solutions to the external environment. This is your brothers and sisters great gift to you, and why gratitude should always be your response to them.

James Blanchard Cisneros



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