Monday, July 02, 2007

Cumulative Effect

Cynthia Bourgeault mention it in the second week of our Wisdom School Academy in Elwood, Texas--spiritual energy has a cumulative effect. What she noticed is that the spiritual energy created in one gathering of contemporary sages seems to gain strength and then carry over into the next gathering. I noticed it very strongly in the third such gathering in Washington State this past week. Some twenty folk gathered there for intense intentional practice, study and community within the wisdom gathering at St. Andrews Episcopal Retreat Center. It was palpable almost from the moment we first sat down together. It was as though we had not left the year before, or that the weeks here in Texas had flowed naturally over into this third academy. We simply started where we had left off. There was no lag time, and the spiritual energy was strong, clear and high. I grateful to be a part of it. The topic was "The Mysteries and the Poetic Visionaries" using Love Poems from God by Daniel Ladinsky as text. I am grateful too for all of you who upheld this gathering in your thoughts and prayers.


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