Thursday, April 17, 2008

Gary "weighs in"

Sally's (tongue-in-cheek?) suggestion of an alternate name raises the issue of "what's in a name". As the Bard pointed out, "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet", so I suspect that the name issue is not problematic for those already in the OOOW. I actually don't see a problem with the name of the Order since it doesn't actually refer to a specific religion, and the "oriental" part implies not only orientation but both eastern and far eastern. Orthodox bothers me a little because of the (I think) original meaning of "right or correct belief". I've come to feel that there is no "right belief" which can be adequately communicated (at least verbally). What does bother me is the "Pledge of a World Christian". While I see nothing problematic with the current wording of the pledge, I believe the content could be broadened to include other wisdom traditions, and the name of the pledge could be more inclusive, say perhaps The Pledge of the World Wisdom Seeker.

There is absolutely nothing problematic about the actual practices of the OOOW since it appears to me that in practice we are already encompassing other traditions. My only concern is that by singling out Christianity in the "public face" of the OOOW we may discourage both those of other traditions and those whose negative experiences within Christianity cause them to throw the baby out with the bath water.




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