Tuesday, July 03, 2007

From the Heart

The Heart is like a compass on a large boat on a stormy sea. It will always bring you safely home if you trust it.

The Mind: nice to open and close doors, cook your food if you watch it closely and to dress you and walk you around and to do chores.

The Heart must lead in life, not the mind. The mind is many roads down the track, all dead ends. The mind jerks you around like a wild stallion with the bit in it's mouth.

For most people, the mind is in charge and is the poorest driver in the world and will wreck you car soon after it takes over. Then the heart fixes the damage and drives you safely home: IF YOU LET IT.

The following is a nice reminder to stay in your heart, if you wish peace. We all are fighting wars "out there". But the great war is within us all, whether to flow in the Heart or the mind.

Great is the general who conquors countries; greater yet he who conquors his own country; greater yet his own town and greatest of all He who conquors self. To me that is when we surrender to the Heart love energies within us all.

Yes! It is free and always there. Like life, let it unfold; it always does. No use to push, pull, plead and beg. Surrender is the best way to be at peace within.

Loving acceptance of everyone and everything exactly as they are in this NOW moment is the key. You won't ever change anyone but yourself and that takes a surrendering to the Heart within us all.

Bottom Line: We are all ONE right here and now. you never meet a stranger, you only meet yourself in disguise.

Have a happy day, week, month and life.

Jim MacKimmie


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